- Ken Koyama 小山憲
Born in Tokyo, Japan. While at Waseda University, Ken practiced boxing and eventually got a professional license . After graduating , he moved to New York City to train in Seido Karate under grandmaster Kaicho T. Nakamura for 10 years. Then relocated to Los Angeles where he worked at LA Fitness in Universal City.
*4th degree black belt in karate
*NASM certified personal trainer
東京都出身。早稲田大学商学部在学中にボクシングをはじめ、プロライセンスを取得。卒業後ニューヨークに渡り、世界誠道空手道連盟の創始者である中村忠会長の下で10年修行する。ロサンゼルスに移住後、LA Fitness Universal Cityでトレーナーとして働き、その後独立。
*NASM認定パーソナルトレーナー - ServicesPersonal TrainingI create individualized fitness programs to meet your needs and goals. Then train you safely and effectively.各々のニーズとゴールにあったトレーニングプログラムを作成し、安全、効果的に指導いたします。Seido Karate"Technique rather than strength, Spirit rather than technique"Let's train traditional Japanese karate!”力より技、技より心”日本の伝統武道、空手の稽古を始めませんか。
- Personal Training
Weight(strength) training is very effective way to
*Lose weight
*Sculpt and tone body
*Prevent injury
*Gain strength and flexibility
To train effectively and without injury,You need professional guidance.
Session fee
4 sessions $340
8 Sessions $640
12 Sessions $900
First training/consulting session $15.
Location: Lomita (South Bay)
Online personal training
Session fee
4 sessions $280
8 sessions $520
12 sessions $720
4セッション $340
8セッション $640
12セッション $900
初回トレーニング/コンサルティングセッション $15
場所 ロミータ(サウスベイ)
オンライン パーソナルトレーニング
4 セッション $280
8 セッション $520
12セッション $720
- Seido Karate 誠道塾
Seido Karate is a strict, traditional style of karate, which is founded by Grandmaster Kaicho T. Nakamura. The headquater is in New York City and now it's a worldwide organization.
Seido aims to not only develop students while the highest level of physical skills, but also to develop individuals of the highest moral character.
Seido's teaching methods offer a step by step program to strengthen the mind, body and spirit - a unique approach that makes karate available to men and women of all ages and abilities.
If you're interested, please make an appointment for a free introductory class!
Tuition $120/month
North Weddington Recreation Center
10844 Acama St. North Hollywood, CA 91602
Tuition $120/month
North Weddington Recreation Center
10844 Acama St. North Hollywood, CA 91602
- Contactお問い合わせ